The "Jack Browne" Full Face Mask was designed for use by the U.S. Navy during World War II. It served reliably into the 80's. This mask was used and donated by former U.S. Navy SEAL Master Chief Hershel Davis.
2nd photo shows rear view of "Jack Browne" mask used by former Navy SEAL Master Chief Hershel Davis.
Retired Navy SEAL Command Master Chief Hershel Davis graduated
Underwater Demolition Training in BUD/S Class 36 in 1966 and retired
with over 34 years of service. Among his many assignments as a
younger SEAL, he also served as Command Master Chief of Underwater
Demolition Team 11, Underwater Demolition Team 12, SEAL Team 5, Naval
Special Warfare Group 1 and Naval Special Warfare Unit 8 in Panama.
Involved in six conflicts from Vietnam to Lebanon to Desert Storm as a
SEAL, he also deployed numerous times to Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan
as a civilian Security Contractor. Since his retirement in 1993, Master
Chief Davis has provided weapons training to thousands of U.S military,
other government agencies and law enforcement personnel at school houses
that include the Gunsite Training Center in Arizona and the
Blackwater/Xe/US Training Center in North Carolina.